April 27, 2011

walk the walk

Sorry I've been a little lax in posting the past couple of weeks.  Holy Week and now Easter Week (with dear friends in town to boot) have made my time better used elsewhere.  But, dear reader, I'm back, and ready to go, especially since I'm preaching again this weekend.


At St. Paul's Foley for the Great 50 Days of Easter, we will be embarking on a season of renewal, resurrection, and stewardship. We are repenting of our sin of fear and trusting in God for everything.  We are hoping to, in the great words of the Collect for the Second Sunday of Easter, "show forth in [our] lives what [we] profess by [our] faith."

In other words, we are hoping that God will give us the ability to walk the walk.  We've lived paycheck to paycheck as a Parish for the last three years. We've subscribed to either the laziness of band-aids or the falsehood of scarcity, and beginning last Sunday with an empty tomb, we say, "no more."

From now on, we will believe that "Jesus did many other signs" (John 20:30) and that "All things come from our LORD" (1 Chron 29:14).  We will name our doubts and fears.  We will repent of our lack of faith. We will, we hope, come to realize what amazing gifts God has poured out upon us; gifts that many of us don't even think to look for.

If my posts over these next five weeks seem skewed toward stewardship, please understand that it is where we are as a Parish, but I hope that even then, they might be fruitful to you as well.

Happy Easter! The Lord is risen! Alleluia!

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