May 4, 2006

Doctrinal Statements

LeRon Shults
Jamie Smith's Response

Above are links to the beginning (I hope) of a splendid conversation on the role of "statements of doctrine" in emergent.

I have yet to inwardly digest these things, but I really appreciate the tenor of the conversation. I also am apt to side with LeRon on his position that a "statement of doctrine" has not place in emergent (at least at this time) because it is a living breathing converation that continues to happen. To have a "statement of doctrine" immediatly ends that conversation.

This could have a lot to say to the current struggles in ECUSA and the Anglican Communion. As we stand currently we are a creedal institution. Functionally however we aren't really sure about how this plays out in everyday life. Beyond that, the tenor of the conversation in the midst of disagreement should be the example to which we aspire.

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