March 2, 2007


No reflection on scripture today, just a reflection on life and transition; it is tiring. It is not even like we're at a place where we are doing a lot of physical work to prepare to leave Alexandria, but nonetheless Cassie and I are tired every single day. By 930 we are so exhausted we can barely move (if we make it that late).

Yesterday was our fourth wedding anniversary (I know, I can't believe she's put up with me this long either). Since Cass was supposed to have yoga last night, we postponed our celebration until today. She ended up not going to yoga, so we called an audible and spent some intentional time together; Target, Domino's Pizza, Blockbuster, and Maggie Moos; how romantic. Cass didn't make it through the movie, while I was buzzing on sugar from the ridiculous amount of ice cream in my waffle cone.

As I sat there, not enjoying man of the year, I came to realize just how much this process of leave-taking is costing. I am always tired. I am usually short tempered. I never want to be on campus. And worst of all, I'll be damned if I'm doing any actual school work. Ugh. 75 days until graduation, and senioritis is in full bloom. Please pray for us. Pray for strength, for perseverance, for clarity, and for patience. We will draw heavily on the prayers of others over the next 2.5 months, and we thank you for lifting us up.


Kyle said...

Grats on 4 years!

mibi52/ The Rev. Dr. Mary Brennan Thorpe said...

Ditto on the congratulations. I see what you're talking about on the faces of a number of your fellow seniors these days. It's hard to imagine, as a junior, that I'll ever get to that point. For all the misery of this feeling of dragginess, it does have a benefit: you're giving hope to us juniors that we will survive the next two plus years. Thanks for that...