June 24, 2008

from salvation to sanctification

If you took the time to follow along in the fb conversation around baptism this weekend you may have noticed that The Episcopal Church is not univocal on issues other than human sexuality. What I love about this church is that anglo-catholic-sacramentalists like MT and TB can live in the church with emerging-kingdom-of-God-symbol-lovers like PH and me. What looks so often like a clear 2-sided argument is really, an inevitably, only 2 or 3 sides of those 100 sided die that D and D types use.

I appreciate that as I read the lesson from Romans as Paul writes about the shift from salvation (freedom from bondage) to sanctification (working to stop returning to the slave master). I think that part of the disagreement over baptism was based on differing views of the transition point between salvation and sanctification. By grace alone are we saved, by works and grace we move toward sanctification. Where salvation happened was in the person of Jesus Christ. Where sanctification happens is in our hearts and minds.

There is a lot of nuance of language in theological discussion which quickly turns the 2-sided coin into a 100-sided die. I'm thankful for the various positions held by my friends in the church; professionally trained or working in fear and trembling. All I know for sure is that today, like every other day, I must work out the sanctification-thing, attempting as best I can to bring eternal life, the kingdom of God, to the here-and-now.

www.trollandtoad.com sells all sorts of dice. the picture above is a fancy 100-sided version.

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