June 20, 2008

i am weak

I've done 3 pull-ups in my life. I am weak. VBS has me exhausted and I've really only been involved on the periphery. I am weak. I have slacked a ton blogging on this week's not so nice gospel less from Matthew. I am weak.

Yet I can hear Jesus speaking his commissioning speech to the 12 directly to me. "Do not be afraid; you are of more value than many sparrows." I hope that means that I'll have all of Saturday to myself, but I doubt it because he goes on to say I have to love him more than my own family, my own wife, my own self, even my own Saturdays. As much as it sucks to have Jesus telling his disciples that he didn't come to bring peace, but a sword. As much as it scares us to have Jesus say that there is one who can destroy our souls and bodies in hell. As much as we might want cuddly, buddy Christ back. There is something strangely comforting in these words from Jesus. "Do not be afraid" "Those who lose their lives for my sake will find it." "And even the hairs of your head are all counted."

Life ain't gonna be easy, but God will be there. In the cross Jesus came to know more suffering than we can imagine - he can walk with us through strained relationships, personal attacks, even physical violence. I have been weak this week, but Jesus promises to be strong in my weakness. And for that, as I prepare to run through the last day of VBS, I give thanks.

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