June 8, 2007


This is really a lame way to do this. This is also very, very late. Life is like that I guess.

Just an FYI -

God willing and the people consenting
The Rt. Rev. Dr. Nathan D. Baxter
Bishop of the Diocese of Central Pennsylvania

will ordain seven men and women to the sacred order of Deacon
in Christ's one holy catholic and apostolic church
in Rooke Chapel at Buckness University at 10 am on Saturday 9 June.

included in those seven is me.

please keep us all in your prayers.

i think i finally have a theology for this transitional diaconate thing, thanks be to God. i still think it is strange that i have to affirm being called as a deacon when throughout the process the advice was "never say deacon or they'll pigeonhole you there and you'll never be a priest."


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