May 20, 2010


I've been known to blast self-help theologians like Joel Osteen, and I think for the most part, my critiques have been fair. This morning, however, I do need to make an exception, though it is scriptural rather than touchy feely.

The lesson from Romans, one which gets read at funerals all the time, reminds me that, as disciples, we need to claim our position as Spirit filled children of God.

"You did not receive a spirit of slavery to fall back into fear, but you have received a spirit of adoption."

How often, though, do we choose fear over blessing? How often to we fall back to our old ways rather than being open to God's dream? How often do we neglect to listen to God and end up in a pit of despair?

Following God doesn't mean life is going to be easy, gentle, "your best" or full of riches. What it does mean is that when the going gets tough, you can rely on the fact that God is there, walking alongside (or in some cases carrying you through). It isn't about having your best life now, it is about having God's dream for you be fulfilled.

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