April 15, 2008

how can we know the way?

I touched on this in my sermon for Easter 2; Jesus may have given mission statements and utter many fine teachings, but by far his most long-lasting impact came in how he lived his life.

"How can we know the way?" Thomas asks. It is a question that so many of us have. From the selfish, "how can I be sure of my salvation?" to the selfless, "how can I be a part of bringing the Kingdom of God to earth right now?" The question may change, but the answer remains the same. Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life."

For every "how" the answer is simple, follow the way of Jesus. Live a life as he lived his; seeking justice, loving neighbor, serving humbly, praying ceaselessly, etc.

It seems strange to return to the Last Supper discourse in Eastertide, but to return to this portion seems to make so much sense. Jesus is beginning to get ready to leave again; a week and a half 'til Ascension Day, and many of the disciples questions remain. How will this all work without Jesus here? Just as their questions repeat, so too does the answer, Jesus is the way, follow him.

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