September 23, 2008

the last week

We are making that awkward church year transition from "ordinary time" i.e. the season of the work of the Church. We do this by having a mini-holy week as we prepare ourselves for the schizophrenic season of Advent which begins the new church year.

I am, and have been for a while now, somewhat obsessed with the events of Jesus' last week as the incarnated Son of God. While it is strange to have these last week stories in the midst of ordinary time, I am grateful to have to deal with them, and their wide reaching ramifications yet again.

Authority seems to be the issue at hand in Matthew 21.23-32, but if one peels just the skin off the onion it seems that authority is not the real issue, but instead follow through. Are you claiming authority that isn't yours or using authority that has been given you? Are you saying "yes, yes!" but doing nothing for the kingdom or are you saying, "whoo. God, nope, not me!" but doing the work anyway as Moses exampled so wonderfully in his life?

If you are saying yes for the sake of appearances, Jesus wants you to know that the end of appearances has come and you better get your ass in gear lest the kingdom leave you behind.

Good stuff in this last week. Jesus gets offensive, for a while, and in our offense we can gain a lot.

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