September 25, 2008

Today is September 25th, the day which was set aside by the Bishops of the Anglican Communion as a day of prayer and fasting for the Millennium Development Goals especially as they each relate to the root cause of extreme poverty (those 1 billion plus people living on less than $1 a day).

I will be blogging more on the topic later today as I reflect on my one and only experience with extreme poverty in the slums of San Jose, Costa Rica.

In the meantime, I ask that you join me in the prayer of Episcopalians for Global Reconciliation.

Most loving God, as your desire for mercy for the poor is unrelenting, may we be unrelenting in our pursuit of mercy for all; as your compassion for the suffering of the poor knows no limit, may our hearts overflow with compassion for all; as you long for justice for the poor, may we strive for justice for all. Open our eyes to the structures of oppression from which we benefit, and give us courage to accept our responsibility, wisdom to chart a sound course amid complexity, and perseverance to continue our work until it is finished. Breathe your life-giving Spirit afresh into your Church to free us from apathy and indifference; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

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