September 4, 2008

owe no one anything but love

I woke up this morning to an Email from some bigwig with the Democratic Party.  Apparently someone at VTS gave my email to them, so I get emails almost daily from the DNC with a bigwig's name slapped on it, Obama, Hillary, Michelle Obama, etc.  This morning's was a counter attack to the "McCain attack squad" going on the offensive at the RNC convention last night.

I didn't watch, so I'm making no judgments on what was said, what I'm struck by this morning is the way in which our political system has given up the biblical model of turning the other cheek, walking the extra mile, and owing nothing but love.  It seems as though all our politicos can seem to owe one another is an attack ad.  With both sides claiming to be "faithful" why is it that Kingdom living is so beyond our expectations?  Why does being "faithful" only mean holding the right opinion on issues about which Jesus never spoke?

Most likely it is the fault of us; the general population or to be more specific Christians living in America.  We've given our leaders a pass.  We've lowered the bar such that "faithfulness" is a checklist of litmus test issues rather than a lifestyle under the Lordship of Jesus Christ.

We should expect more, but do so only by offering and expecting love.

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