January 12, 2009

Living in Fast Forward

David Lee Murphy and Rivers M. Rutherford II wrote a fantastic song that Kenny Chesney appropriately sang and spent two weeks at the top of Billboard's Hot Country Song Chart in 2005 called "Living in Fast Forward."  It starts out with a nod to the lesson from 1 Corinthians that will make everyone uncomfortable in the pews this Sunday.

"The body's a temple, that's what were told/ I've treated this one like an old honky-tonk"

Paul puts it like this,

"...do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, which you have from God, and that you are not your own?"

I know it is dangerous to take a piece of scripture out of context, but I also know that all sorts of people are all sorts of mad about how passages of scripture like this one are being interpreted from the Supreme Court to Mayberry.  I wonder how many intrepret preachers will venture into Paul's letter to the Corinthians this Sunday?  It will, no doubt, be the source of a lot of opening attention getters and jokes, but will people do the hard work of understanding what Paul is saying, or, more importantly, what God is saying?

I won't.  Mostly because I'm not preaching this week, and I've got a pile of work a mile high to do in its place, but I'm writing today to encourage you to do it.  Maybe not preach it because, quite frankly, I think people are tired of hearing about sex (homo or hetero) and most certainly because the light that came into the world was much more interested in healing the sick, freeing the prisoner, and loving the unlovable than anything else.


Helen W. said...

Hi Steve!
I just stumbled onto your blog looking for something for my campus group, though I think I have visited before! Good stuff! How is Alabama? I wanted to let you know that my first cousin is married to Rivers M. Rutherford, the song writer. Are you impressed?

Peace and Happy New Year!
Helen White

spankey said...

Alabama is good, how is GA? I'm not sure if I'm more impressed with your cousin being married to or the actual name of Rivers M. Rutherford. I hope his middle name is Miles or Maleficence or something strong like that.