April 29, 2009


There are times when it feels like all I do from he pulpit is nag.  Jesus calls us to do this, so do it.  Paul says don't do that, so don't do it.  Do this, don't do that, can't you read the signs...

Then there comes a point where even I am sick of hearing myself nag because, quite frankly, St. Paul's Foley does a whole lot of Kingdom building stuff.  So, from time to time, I put on my smiley face and play cheerleader.  I think this Sunday will be one of those cheerleading days.

"Little children, let us love, not in word or speech, but in truth and action."

St. Paul's loves in truth and action.  On Saturday, May 16th Foley will hold a civic fair, where, if we do it right, St. Paul's will have a booth to share the good news that Christ is Risen and we, his people, are doing our best to follow his voice.  We do that by
  • Volunteering at Foley Elementary School
  • Hosting Family Promise of Baldwin County
  • Donating food to the EMI pantry
  • Sending cards to the infirm and mourning
  • Cooking meals for the same
  • Writing checks to various charities
  • etc.
  • etc.
We do a bunch of good stuff.  And for that I give thanks.

Of course, there is always more to be done.  Recently, one of our number has called us to account.  He notes that "churches are good a charity, but are often lacking on justice."  And I think he's right, but even there we are trying.
  • Giving our kindergarteners, especially those of families new to America, a head start means that their chance at education is vastly improved.
  • Giving our space (and some, though not a lot of our time) to the folks with ACTII who are working toward Homeowner's Insurance Reform
Hooray to you St. Paul's!  Keep up the good work(s).  As John promises in his letter, "All who obey [God's] commandemnts abide in him, and he in them."

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