April 21, 2009

I Heart Facebook

I've said it before, and I'll say it again, Facebook (and social networking sites in general) are changing the way we do ministry, forever.

My twitter/facebook status yesterday read, "Steve thinks the lessons for Easter 3 are tough for preaching."  At about 1pm, I got a phone call from my rector's son, a youth minister in Birgmingham, who wanted to let me know that he had found that the word "opened" found in Luke 26.45 was not the word one would normally use to say that a door had been opened.  Instead, the Greek carries a meaning like, "the old has been torn to shreads so that a new can be put in its place."

In the context from Luke's gospel it seems to mean, "Jesus spoke to them, torn out their old brains and gave them new minds, the mind of Christ."  Or as my friend said it, "they had a baby in their brain."

This realization has great preaching opportunity for me in light of the lesson from 2Luke (Acts) when Peter tells the crowd of Jews that he "knows they acted in ignorance" because, it seems to me, that he too acted in ignorance prior to "having a baby in his brain" as Jesus opened the scriptures to the disciples on that first Easter Day.

St. Paul's hasn't had Greek dropped on them in a few months.  Maybe the time has come again.

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