November 9, 2007

a godly, righteous, and sober life 2

I guess this is a time of reflection for me. Not that I particularly want to reflect on how I live my life, I'm content with how I define godly, righteous, AND sober, but my daily readings seem to be pointing me in that direction. From Brain McLaren's post yesterday to this gem from the Sarcastic Lutheran maybe it is time for me to re-evaluate my balance between being in and of the world.

An excerpt to wet your whistle - the prayer from the end of the post.

Dear God,
Forgive me for squandering your precious gifts and buying so completely into the lies of happiness-through-consumption of stuff and folks. Show me my real worth and give me eyes to perceive value through your economy of mercy. Any change of heart is gonna have to come through you because I (of course) tried doing it myself first and apparently that doesn't work.
In Jesus' name,

1 comment:

cj said...

A member of my parish brought one of the associate pastors at one of the local Pentecostal churches to the noon Eucharist today. Our guest is from South Africa and we had great conversation over lunch that our dear ladies provide every Friday after Eucharist. He told me that he had begun to think of life in terms of hardware and software - hardware being all of the "things" we own or want and software the intangibles - love, family, even a smile, a warm welcome, an acknowledgement of our existence. We talked about how our focus in this culture has seemed to emphasize the hardware and that we may be neglecting teaching our children the value of all of the software. I just wanted to share this because I thought it was wonderful insight.
Thanks to you also for your wonderful insights.