November 7, 2007

a sweet blessing

With the "new" Prayer Book and Rite II in 1979 came the ability to stray from the blessings prescribed in previous Eucharistic Prayers. At least I think this is the case, I didn't really pay much attention to these sorts of things. Anyway, the new rubric (rule) reads The Bishop when present, or the Priest, may bless the people (BCP 366). Now don't get me wrong, I like the contemporary language version of the standard blessing (found on page 339) but it is sort of neat to hear something different every once in a while; makes that blessing offered by God through the words of the bishop or priest carry applications to everyday life a little better.

As I read the lessons for this week I saw in Paul's 2nd letter to the Thessalonians a pretty sweet blessing, one I might use from time to time after, God, the people, and the Bishop willing, I am priested. The line, found in verses 16 and 17 of chapter 2 is "Now may our Lord Jesus Christ himself and God our Father, who loved us and through grace gave us eternal comfort and good hope, comfort your hearts and strengthen them in every good work and word."

Man is that cool. I understand it is very Western as it ignores the Holy Spirit. Nonetheless it is good. It is a powerful prayer of blessing to offer another; that the God who by grace gives us eternal salvation might comfort and strengthen us in all things; word and deed. Nice. I'm writing this on a post-it and putting it in my Prayer Book for use someday.

Isn't Scripture great?

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