November 8, 2007

a godly, righteous, and sober life

Its that time again! Time for me to undergo due inquiry and have it attested that I 1) am living a godly, righteous and sober life and 2) in speech and writing hold nothing contrary to the doctrine, discipline, and worship of [the Episcopal Church USA).

I underwent due inquiry last night at our 1st Wednesday potluck as those in attendance had a chance to pepper me with questions, but got my real dose of it this morning as I read Brian McLaren's post over at God's Politics on the syncretism of American Christianity and materialism. It hit hard as I pondered what it means to live a godly, righteous, and sober life.

An excerpt: "The truth is, large sectors of our religion have become "worldly" in a subtle but powerful way: we have been guilty of an unholy but socially acceptable syncretism between our faith and consumerism."

Find it all here.

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