February 1, 2008

the voice of God

We had an interesting discussion last night at Draughting Theology about God answering prayer. There was one part that really sparked my brain as we pondered why God doesn't talk to us anymore. I got to thinking about the lessons for Sunday; God's booming voice speaking to Moses, Jesus, Peter, James, and John from the cloud, and couldn't help but think that God hasn't stopped speaking to us. I wonder if we are just so inundated with people claiming to hear the voice of God that we've stopped bothering to discern who is true and who is not; we've just written them all off.

I have heard the voice of God. I'm not afraid to say that, though as you know, I love the quote from House, "If you talk to God you are religious, If God talks to you, you're crazy."
So I know that God has not stopped talking to us. Be it his booming voice from the cloud, the still small voice or 1 Kings or the continuous revelation of God in Scripture; God still talks to us. But with TBN, EWTN, the Network, Integrity, me, you, everyone claiming that God has told them they are right and the rest of the world is wrong why shouldn't we just write the whole thing off?

I guess maybe it comes down to a return to discernment. That spiritual gift that has been pushed aside by prophecy, lounges, and healing is one of the most important, in my estimation. The ability to discern between spirits; to know what is of God and what is not, is as important in our own lives as it is in the life of the Church. Am I called to lead the supper club ministry or Is the Church called to start an ESOL program? Both are the job of discernment. Both can come in the form of God's voice, but we must be able to hear it.

God hasn't stopped talking. Even in our hearing the story of Moses going up the mountain God continues to speak. We just have to listen, discern, and then act.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Steve - we seem to be thinking about the same things tonight - I'm on a rant about discernment again, having just submitted a proposal to EES about doing some work with chaplaincy groups around this topic. Anyway. Good to see you on listening for God's voice, which is of course what we all need to be doing (and I love the quote from "House")

Congratulations (if that's the right word. . . ) and blessings on your ordination. Sounds like it was a time of real affirmation and sending. I'm glad for you.